Demanufacturing / Certified Destruction
When your company is concerned with brand protection, you need to rely on a partner that will process your material in an environmental responsible manner. At IRSC we have the knowledge and experience to properly dispose of your material. Whether its proprietary products you need to dispose of or obsolete equipment that you don't want to compete with in the marketplace let IRSC handle your certified destruction. We'll take your equipment and turn it back into its original commodities (metal, plastics, paper, glass, etc.) reclaiming the highest value from each unit. With proper dismantling equipment and a high powered shredder, IRSC is your trustworthy partner for secure destruction.
As part of our process we can provide serialization of all your assets along with a complete report of all material destroyed. Still not convinced? We will let you come into our facility to watch your material being destroyed or we'll videotape the process to provide you with complete accountability.
The process starts with sorting and demanufacturing of your equipment. We inventory each piece and each service tag with barcode scanning equipment in order to provide you with a certified report of all material that has been destroyed. We then identify and reclaim valuable materials and we process these materials into the optimum value scrap products which are sent to smelters, extruders, re-grinders, extractors and other top industry resources, to maximize the economic return and help you defray the costs of recycling.
So, for the complete control of your discarded or returned equipment and products, for full accountability, for expert harvesting of reusable components and total destruction of all other components, for efficient optimizing of all scrap material values and for environmental excellence exceeding all regulations, IRSC is your trustworthy partner for secure destruction.